Lovely Bev has tagged me to list 6 things which bring bliss into my life.
Well, they are the simple things in life.........
- when my daughter falls asleep on my lap
- slow Sunday mornings when I'm cooking pancakes and the girls are playing outside and we are all listening to Jack Johnson singing in the background
- walking barefoot on the beach
- celebrations with friends and family and food is spread out, people talking and laughing and lots of noise
- quietly sitting in the warm morning sun with a cup of tea and a good book/magazine undisturbed
- our dinner ritual, every night we all sit together to have dinner and catch up on the days events
I have no idea who to tag next but if I do come up with someone I will list who they are.
This week I have been finishing off work.
This acr
enough detail. (click on image to see more detail)The messages are:
"Reach for the stars"
"Love Yourself"
They are meant to be like affirmations, to help the viewer achieve the positive thoughts.
The middle picture is a doodle painting, sort of like doodling with a pen except I used a small brush with paints.
What do you think of the idea? I would like to incorporate more of these doodle paintings in my work, once I have figured out which way I am going with my art. I have no style of my own and am feeling a little lost as to what to create sometimes.
But experimenting has been good too, it's allowed me to let go of, no expectations, freeing me up, as Leah in Creative Every Day has said to allow yourself to create ugly work, so I give myself permission to just create, and when the time is right my muse will guide me in the right direction. I feel like I am now gathering the tools, the experiences, to then go forth and create with more of my spirit/identity/personality (not sure what to call it?).
And here is some of my experimenting I did with inks. Love them but not so good with handling them. The first one is an ink blowing exercise , I used burnt umber acrylic ink,which you are meant to make the inks flow into a
The other two were just playing around, trying to blend two colours together, and an oil pastel using three different colours, brushed blue ink on top. Once dry I scratched different patterns out.
I had fun playing around with inks, might use them in some drawings in the future, or even in my journalling.
Last week went to an art shop and bought myself a journal, still sitting there looking at me. Once I get started I will be O.K. the ball will start rolling as such, but at the moment the journal in empty, how does one start a brand new journal? What do I put in my first page?Do I do an intro of my self, my goals, the journals purpose? How have you started your journal?
Angie ox
Hi Angie,
ReplyDeleteWooHoo! Well done to be tagged! I still remembered the first time when I got tag, I did a song and dance at home, hahaha!
Your acrylic paint - I like the "Create" one most. From the look of your other works, you're on your way, girl! Fantastic!
As of journaling, may I suggest you join "Wreck the Journal" ( It's free. All you need is the book. It is to start on 05/06. I'll be there and possibly a lot of other CED artists. So it'll be nice to see you there as well.
Oh, and if you have trouble with the link I provided above. Go to my blog and click "Wreck the Journal" on sidebar, it will direct you to the site.
Again, you're doing well ... :D
I agree with you Angie - I always thought I wasn't artistic. I do love teaching art to kids. It wasn't til I started blogging, and following the Next Chapter and Creative Every Day that I felt challenged and eager to make art. I don't care so much about the results right now - it is in the process and the learning. Just like what you are doing.
ReplyDeleteI took a course at
in collage backgrounds.
They are offering journalling now and I am thinking of taking this. I signed up for Wreck that Journal too. The last book share was a lot of fun.
Thanks for your kind words as well Angie.
Thank you for sharing your struggles, it is exactly what I have been experiencing for a long time and searching for my own style so I have decided to just play around with eight canvasses I have put first coats on and see what comes up. I started journalling by tearing pictures and words out of magazines and sticking them in, I found it relaxing and non-threatening. There are a couple of examples on my blog. Thanks for visiting my blog and for you kind words, blogging has really motivated me to do more, again a non-threatening supportive way to share my art and photos. I really like your acrylic painting, expecially the doodles, it looks a bit Klimtish - fun.