Sunday, October 11, 2009


This weeks chapter is on desire.
What is it that I desire?
I have many desires small and big, which I am not sure if any of them will ever be fulfilled. But by golly I will try!

Martha advices us to work towards our desire daily by sitting in stillness with it, listening to the desire see if it brings with it a taste of love, and spend some time on it daily, to make the desire reall.

For me my biggest desire is to become an artist. Even saying it exillerates me,"I am an artist!". Some of you may know that I have started an art course and last week we had a watercolourist come and introduce watercolours, he is a retired 70 year old man who started painting at 65 and has since then won awards, published a few books and is now a resident artist in a school, and as I was listening to him I was thinking, yes it can be done if you really want it you can go for it and make your self! The whole course has exposed us to so many talented artists that have made it through their desires, just from pure love and wanting to do so. This course has really enspired me!

Some days my focus is so strong and I get a reall connection with that energy and things really seem to flow, but other times I can't even pick up a pencil, this is when I doubt myself and wonder wether I have the right focus/desire.

I had an Aha! moment just recently about this, about how just because its something you are meant to do it doesn't mean it comes easily everytime, their is struggle, doubts and rejection. Just look at the great artists of our century, most were struggling artists, who were rejected by the art world, yet they still painted and continued on their journey of their destiny!

Do you sometimes find this struggle, yet you continue on? What do you do to help yourself out of this struggle?

Need to find sometime for stillness and ask more questions, Angie :)


  1. What an inspiring story! So many amazing artists and writers started later in life. I definitely have moments when I question what I'm doing. I love the creative process and sharing that process with others -- what keeps me going comes from several places - remembering the joy and diving back in, getting inspired by others and feeling that joy again, and just pushing through it -- showing up. I have done my best work when I was in a funk and decided to sit down anyway to create. Having these moments where I succeeded are touchstones that I recall when I feel the struggle.

  2. I have found with myself any creativity I ever experience seems to come in cycles. Some days it is very easy and I can't wait to get to work...other days it will seem such an effort and I am just not feeling it...nothing comes to me easily at all! I think the times it flows easily is just when someone is "inspired" more than at other times. I work best I suppose when I am "inspired!"

    THANKS SO MUCH for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment too! ;)

    Wish you the best!

  3. So well said Angie!! You are an artist...this is true. You want to become an artist...but in creating art you ARE an artist so you have realized that. You have been able to learn from someone who is coming to art late in life and showing you by doing that it can be done...that if you dream it, feel it, want it -- it can be yours.

    You've inspired me this morning greatly. For that I thank you!

  4. I can feel the possibilities bubbling through this post! Life is a canvas for us to paint on, and you're creating a masterpiece :)

  5. Thank you for such inspiring and insightful post.

    To answer your question - I struggle lots of time in my creative pursuit. It is reading post like yours which help me to continue. Also deep faith in my Self that I can pull this off. The rest is really about butt on chair doing the hard work.

    BTW, you might not notice this --> you're an artist! :)

  6. you are absolutely, without a doubt an artist!

  7. You are an artist! As long as we are fulfilling our desires, the outcome isn't as important as the process.
    Starting late is okay - at least we've begun the journey.
    I keep saying I want to be an artist when I grow up - I am a slow starter!
    Thanks for sharing such wonderful thoughts.

  8. Yes, there are certainly challenges with any given dream... but you are not the struggle. That's something that helps me... You are already an artist, in this very moment! Don't let that stereotype of starving artist make you feel like you must struggle in order to succeed.... you are already well on your way!

  9. Thank you all so much guys for your positive words and encouragements! Hugs :)

  10. Everyone struggles with something sooner or later... Life is all about integrating the struggle! You're an inspiration, keep it up! Another Angie from Queensland who now lives in France ;-)

  11. Oh yes, we have all been there - always full of self doubt. Just know that you have this group supporting you and willing you to succeed. It's hard work following this diet but since when was life ever easy?


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