Thursday, June 18, 2009

Serendipity and Synchronicity Prompt!

Journal prompt from True North Arts, here is a link to Kathryns fabulous blog to have a look and maybe enter your own journal page!

Thought I'd re-load picture of journal page, the first one was scanned and for some reason it won't open to enlarge on the blog page but jpeg pictures do. Just so you can all see the detail of those inchies and read the words around the page.

Have a lovely day, Angie ox.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Art Journalling

Finished one of the True North journal challenges, my first journal page.
Very exciting to have it done!
I must admit I found it difficult at first, didn't have all the materials so I improvised with what I had, and I got stuck with what images to add to the compass. Eventually I did start to relax and found the flow in the creating process.
The image is of a home made compass, where you put water in a bowl and with a metal object you allow the magnetising to turn the needle to north. The blue represents water, words floating around it are the answers to the questions asked by Katheryn. The images around, I used 'inchies', are of 1inch squares painted in acrylics and decorated simply using what ever I had on hand. Some are drawn with black ink, others I used pastel pencils, glued on numbers found in news papers and stickers.
Most of the images are of things which has special meaning to me like -

  • the female form represents creativity, female energies, the muse....
  • the all seeing eye is soul/spirit....
  • swirling shapes of water/nature
  • images of nature, birds, flowers....
  • the letter T for teaching, words of expression and meaning....
  • things I like to do in my own art doodling, painting....
  • my lucky number 5!

Hope you like the first journal, it is one of many more to come. I am wanting to loosen up and experiment some more with colour and form.

Have a great week, Angie ox.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time for hibernation into the art cave.

This week has been slower and quieter, lovely really. As I am still recovering from a head cold.
I needed some time for self, so I have also had time for creating, some research (surfing finding new blogs, some great creativity going out there!), time with family.
As things have slowed down I have had lots of time to think and was able to really write in my journal, this is a book that I write my thoughts on art, things I want to make and how to work some projects, collections of pictures I like, brainstorming ideas etc...It really helps with having a clear mind on what I want to create, which of late I have not.
I have wanted to start an Art Journal and took on the Serendipity Compass challenge from "True North Arts".
I got half way and got stuck for ideas and kind of froze for a while, so then I took out my trusty journal and started writing out ideas, rough sketches and I am going to add to my compass some 'inchies', something I found out about whilst researching, they are one inch cardboard squares decorated and embellished how ever one wants, so I will try these out and post soon.
Didn't actually realise how small an inch was! (in Australia we work with cm)
Anyhows, I am going back to my art and finish those tiny inchies.
Here is a doodle I did a few nights ago, hope you all have a great week, Angie ox.

Let the beauty we love be what we do


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Playing catch up!

What a week I have had ! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, lots of catching up with family, visiting from Sydney, and friends moving up to Queensland, birthdays and now feeling a little tired but very happy.
Unfortunately no art has been created but lots of thoughts where there for you all, wondering if Hybrid J was feeling better, wanted to know how Bev was going with her 100 challenge (wish I could of started it too, little too late but) and also how Leone was going with all her paintings. I on the other hand have produced nothing of late and really need to pull my finger out.
I did manage to doodle a front cover of one of my new Journals. This one is small so as not to intimidate me, I like to do it to relax at night infront of the telly(T.V.).
Even though I am tired, feeling run down, and we are all coming down with a cold, I feel this great energy, seeing friends and family has really infused me with positive spirit!
Let's just hope it can last and I can make some art.
Here is the journal page. I like how I wrote on the 2009 sign with wings how "time flies, so don't waste it!". Yeah, I should listen to myself more often. Enough critisism, more art please.
I have also had some time at nights to read and I got this fabulous book for my birthday from hubby, by Eckhart Tolle 'The Power of NOW'.
I have been so interested in it, every thing he is saying makes so much sense, it has really opened my eyes, and from it I have been trying to be more aware of my thoughts and take time throughout my day to just stop and live in the moment, I think this is the reason for my extra energy, my positive outlook.
How are things for you?
What do you do to keep your mind quiet, to live in the now without the noise of your unconcious mind?
Art could be a good answer!
Angie ox