Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Playing catch up!

What a week I have had ! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, lots of catching up with family, visiting from Sydney, and friends moving up to Queensland, birthdays and now feeling a little tired but very happy.
Unfortunately no art has been created but lots of thoughts where there for you all, wondering if Hybrid J was feeling better, wanted to know how Bev was going with her 100 challenge (wish I could of started it too, little too late but) and also how Leone was going with all her paintings. I on the other hand have produced nothing of late and really need to pull my finger out.
I did manage to doodle a front cover of one of my new Journals. This one is small so as not to intimidate me, I like to do it to relax at night infront of the telly(T.V.).
Even though I am tired, feeling run down, and we are all coming down with a cold, I feel this great energy, seeing friends and family has really infused me with positive spirit!
Let's just hope it can last and I can make some art.
Here is the journal page. I like how I wrote on the 2009 sign with wings how "time flies, so don't waste it!". Yeah, I should listen to myself more often. Enough critisism, more art please.
I have also had some time at nights to read and I got this fabulous book for my birthday from hubby, by Eckhart Tolle 'The Power of NOW'.
I have been so interested in it, every thing he is saying makes so much sense, it has really opened my eyes, and from it I have been trying to be more aware of my thoughts and take time throughout my day to just stop and live in the moment, I think this is the reason for my extra energy, my positive outlook.
How are things for you?
What do you do to keep your mind quiet, to live in the now without the noise of your unconcious mind?
Art could be a good answer!
Angie ox


  1. I am still all over the map with any kind of regular time that I set so that I can get to create...I figure good things like family and friends count to nurture me...so that is all good...and will surface down the road somehow in my paintings...also getting out to galleries to get my fill of eye candy...or blog surfing if I can't get out...but then, sometimes life just gets too busy with work and stuff, and the studio time just has to wait...

    I would love to join something like the 100 in 100...but, at this point in my life, I don't think I would be able to pull it off...

    I joined Leah's Creative Every Day Month last November...and that was pretty do-able! I'll be doing that again!

    I love the happiness of your journal cover...can't see what all the writing around the edges say...but I like the effect of the writing in and around it...

    Art is my therapy...I feel so refreshed and renewed after getting 'lost' in painting...that is how I keep my mind quiet!

  2. Hi Angie,

    Welcome back! And thanks so much for thinking about me. :) I'm kind of recovering, hahaha! Still feeling a bit annoyed & frustrated, but these are all usual feelings associated with being creative. I'm sure I'll ride it through one way or the other.

    I love your journal cover. And especially the wings. Hmmm, how I wish I could draw! I so want to start an art journal but ...

    "The Power Of Now" - it's such a "powerful" book! I read it about 6 months ago and it taught me to look at our world and my life differently. It is a book which you can't read it in one sitting. I had to take it really slow.

    To keep my mind quiet - I go for walk, play with my dog and read.

    Whereas art (my writing) energize me or tired me out! :)

    Good to have you back ...

  3. Thanks for you kind comment sand for thinking of me while you were away. I have found doing the 100 in 100 challenge that I am creating more that I ever have (my time is my own and boredom soon creeps in) I found on the day I couldn't do any creating because I felt like my well had run dry, that all the old negative thoughts started creeping in, so yesterday I made myself stick with it and found something easy to do and it worked. I need to go out and walk more as well - "angels speak to us when we are walking" and I think ideas start to flow.

    I love your doodle it is so friendly and happy.

  4. Hi Angie -- found you via Tamaraks Table -- and soon as I saw my favorite quote of Blake I was hooked!

    I read the Power of Now several years ago and was moved by the message.

    I noticed you like SARK as well. On my blog in Feb archive is pictures of my son and I at a SARK workshop in Arizona you might like.

    And finally, your sweet journal page with the little wings on 2009 captures the imagination. Can't wait to see more of your work.



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