Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time for hibernation into the art cave.

This week has been slower and quieter, lovely really. As I am still recovering from a head cold.
I needed some time for self, so I have also had time for creating, some research (surfing finding new blogs, some great creativity going out there!), time with family.
As things have slowed down I have had lots of time to think and was able to really write in my journal, this is a book that I write my thoughts on art, things I want to make and how to work some projects, collections of pictures I like, brainstorming ideas etc...It really helps with having a clear mind on what I want to create, which of late I have not.
I have wanted to start an Art Journal and took on the Serendipity Compass challenge from "True North Arts".
I got half way and got stuck for ideas and kind of froze for a while, so then I took out my trusty journal and started writing out ideas, rough sketches and I am going to add to my compass some 'inchies', something I found out about whilst researching, they are one inch cardboard squares decorated and embellished how ever one wants, so I will try these out and post soon.
Didn't actually realise how small an inch was! (in Australia we work with cm)
Anyhows, I am going back to my art and finish those tiny inchies.
Here is a doodle I did a few nights ago, hope you all have a great week, Angie ox.

Let the beauty we love be what we do


1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie,

    Glad to know that you're back on track. Time for the Self is of essence to all creatives. And I appreciate the difficulties for you to find time for your art while raising a family. You have my admiration!

    It's always amazing to see how journaling is helping artists of all form to resume their work. Well Done!

    I'm very thrilled that you're joining True North Arts challenge. TNA is a great place to get inspiration. Will you post us your compass when you finish it?

    I'm enjoying your doodle very much and hope I could do the same level of doodling myself. :)


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