For me this question became a profound one, it really got me thinking about my art work and how I perceive myself as an "artist".
The answer to the question in short is NO, I do not display my art work, and as I realised this I became curious with myself and wondered, why? Am I afraid of what others think? Am I not proud of my stuff? Will people judge me in some way from what they see?
Then I had an Ahaa! moment.... I understood why for so long I had struggled to get into making and creating, even when inside my head I had a constant voice telling me to make things to create, to let go!
Even to this day the voice talks to me," create, just get the paints out, you'll feel better"it says. And the voice is right, I always feel better, but yet I found it difficult to keep that creative rhythm, and the reason was that I was too stuck on the end result, on having this perfect image.
Today I realise the time that I have spent in fear of not making something right, I lost in making nothing.
So I have made a promise to myself in getting the paints out more often, in displaying my art work, and creating more often, in listening to that voice who never lets up!
Also lately I have been wearing some of my creations, scarves and jewellry I made a while back.
These are earings which I made a few months ago, but felt too big so I changed the shape and yes I wore them out a few times! :)
Oat Face Scrub
- 1-2 tblsp oatmeal/rolled oats
- enough water to make a paste
Once you have a paste consistancy, mix in a small bowl using fingers to squish the oats up, scrub on a cleansed face for two minutes.(I sometimes leave on and shower away then at the end I will rinse off with warm water). Rinse and pat dry. Oats are soothing to skin and mildly cleanses.
Other ingredients which you can add oats are:- tsp of lemon juice, not on sensitive skins!
- 1 drop of lavender essential oil
- tbsp full cream plain yoghurt
- tbsp raw honey
Going away to family for the weekend and will come back with some photos of mums new chooks! The girls have the job of naming all six of them and collecting some eggs for us to bring home....wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Angie ox